Message from Founder
Creating the Los Angeles Performing Arts Conservatory has been an arduous but fulfilling journey. Early on, I was given this message: to travel the journey of life with clear vision, is to arrive…
The answers haven’t always been evident and the challenges are ever eminent. In my search for meaning and purpose, the view inward was inevitable; and just like in acting, I realized that all the answers were right in front of me. I had no choice but to step into what I had been destined to create: a home for artists. Thank you to all who have supported us throughout the years and welcome to all who will help LAPAC find its new home.
Conservatory Mission
LAPAC is an international home for a new generation of artists – both domestic and foreign, providing an educational center that introduces students to the experience and environment of the Los Angeles entertainment industry. LAPAC offers traditional and contemporary techniques for aspiring actors, filmmakers, and screenwriters, allowing a pathway that transitions them into the Hollywood market.
Conservatory Vision
To train the artist in a variety of techniques, allowing the expression of emotional truth in numerous genres. Skill, imagination, passion, and discipline assist in the development of the artist through explorations in the global world of drama and comedy, as well as training in film, television, and theatre. The Conservatory continues its tradition of supporting and nurturing talent, providing the necessary education that will ensure the student’s best chance of success.